Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Panama Canal - 1998

We had started our own business in1992 and had spent 7 years by its side day and night with barely a weekend off.   It had been a great deal of hard work, down times, & growing pains included.  Finally we had it on its feet, and through the encouragement of others it was time to give ourselves a much needed vacation.   A friend suggested a cruise....A cruise?   Something we had only heard about, we who had barely crossed our State line would be flying to California and going on our first cruise,. A dream coming true. 
Please click on the photo's to enlarge them.

Our Ship the "Norwegian Wind" going through the Panama Canal Wednesday, September 30th 1998

We chose a 16 day trip through the Panama Canal, the cruise left from Los Angeles CA and ended in Miami, FL.    The excitement and anticipation of the unknown, planning, shopping for the right clothes, packing, getting our passports, and all of the details to get ready, was almost as much fun as the trip itself. When the day of embarkation came we were not disappointed.  

We were the classic tourists 
in every sense of the word.  
Bon Voyage
The full itinerary was wonderful taking us to far away places we had only dreamed of visiting before.   
Day 1 Embarkation from LA - At Sea
Day 2 & 3 At Sea
Day 4 - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Day 5 - Manzanillo, Mexico
Day 6 - Acapulco, Mexico
Day 7 & 8 - At Sea
Day 9 - Caldera Cost Rica
Day 10 - At Sea
Day 11 - Transit Panama Canal
Day 12 - Cartagena, Colombia
Day 13 - At Sea
Day 14 - Georgetown, Grand Cayman
Day 15 - At Sea
Day 16 - Miami, Florida & Disembarkation

We toured rain forests on horse back, viewed beautiful sunrises and sunsets, arranged for an exciting car ride up the mountains, was amazed by the Canal, and thoroughly enjoyed the days at sea with unlimited views of the beautiful oceans. As others have said, “you never forget your first cruise”. Every aspect of it was perfect! I have skipped many of the details but have to mention one in particular.

The first morning on the ship we went to the dining room for breakfast. I believe I ordered an omelet, but seen “fresh sliced oranges” on the menu so I ask for those also. Here came the waiter holding a small, iced silver stemmed bowl standing on a silver plate with a tiny flower laying to one side. Placed graciously on the table before me, It held the most perfect sectioned orange cut into bite sized pieces floating in just the right amount of sweetened juice. Not only was it beautifully presented, It was the best orange I’ve ever tasted and I knew immediately that this moment of my life was something to be savored forever.

We spent the next 15 days being pampered and spoiled, relaxing, and getting that much appreciated rest we both needed so much. The 16 days ended much to quickly! Following are just a few pictures.......

Jim and Mary on the beach in Acapulco

Cliff Diver in Acapulco

Starting our ride through the rain forest in Costa Rica

Snorkeling in Grand Caymon,
 and these are really the true colors of the sky and sea that day

Costa Rica was my favorite stop, we had not planned a shore excursion ahead of time, but was informed when we got off the ship that we could hire a car & driver to take us up the mountain to the little town of "Sarchie". Another couple wanted to go so we split the cost and away we went! The road was very steep and curvy and the driver went very fast. Passing other cars on the wrong side, on curves, I more than once I wasn't sure if we would make it back to the ship alive. On the way we were caught in a drenching rain storm, I have never seen so much water come from sky at once. It poured buckets! However; all was forgotten when we arrived at our destination. We walked the streets, met the wonder people and shopped for their beautiful crafts. I bought theset of trays you see in the picture below and still enjoy the memories of this little town.

Beautiful wood working crafts in Costa Rica

Hand made, painted miniature wooden carts in Costa Rica
fashioned after the full sized "coffee carts" they used in the fields
for transporting the coffee back to the villages

Foliage in Columbia decorating the courtyard of an old government building
I had never experienced heat like the heat we had that day.  The tour guide 
informed us it was 109 deg. with 95% humidity.

Dessert on the ship,
 the food was wonderful! with every course bringing a surprise

and the service was impeccable
We had a great table right by the window throughout the cruise 

On the balcony of the ship

Jim and Mary on "formal night"

Sunsets on the Pacific

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